Wednesday, August 15, 2012


My oldest daughter moved away yesterday.  Makes me ponder my mortality and the universe, I also realized that in a little over a week I will turn 50, with the wedding and everything it had slipped my mind.  I have had 22 great years being her dad, some people don't get that much and it's often hard for me to fathom how intensely I love her.  Everyday she has been my sunshine and I can't remember a bad day with her (I'm sure there were a few I just don't remember).  I have to get used to the normal that where I live is no longer her home, I guess her home is now wherever her and Sam are located.  Do all parents feel this intensely when their kids move away?  Can't get the song "Home" out of my mind and the line "home is wherever I'm with you".  I'll talk about the book I started reading tomorrow.

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